While traversing the journey of life, we come across different situations and conditions which disturb our mental peace. In such a scenario, we become disturbed, inner and outside our existence. If we remain disoriented and in such a mental incoherence, we can hardly transact anything under the sun.


While ups and downs in our existence would be there. We cannot escape them merely day dreaming. These times have to be lived and experience gained. Factually every moment should provide us opportunity to learn something unique. These opportunities should provide us ‘learning experience’ and not make us fearful and discouraged. Fears have to be removed from our thought processes. It is may be fear of some future events to come or it may be fear of death, which factually will be there when time comes for our final departure from this earth. And what is certain, that which cannot avoided or wished away, for such a final event, we should remain ready since it can happen any moment; we want it or not. But while we live, we should live bereft of any fears, REAL OR IMAGINARY. While living we should perform good KARMA and remain away from five SURE PATHS TO HELL in the form of anger, greed, ego, lust and jealousy. Righteous Karmic deeds purify our Soul thus giving us INNER PEACE: an eternal one at that.


Inner peace could also be ensured through sincere prayers to the Omnipotent and Omniscient One as meditation is a sure panacea for all the inner conflicts which remain pestering us day in and day out since connectivity with Almighty is a unique experience.


In essence, when we take into consideration personal experience we have gleaned over a period of time including the wisdom obtained from scriptural knowhow along with value system we have got from our parents and society, we can enrich our mental horizon. This way, we can have deliverance from the predicament we are placed. Also, this will provide us ample opportunities for self introspection besides self realization helping us to acquire a balance. This balance will assist us to face the situation, firstly through trial and error method, though our journey will not be as easy as we think but after some failures in the initial stages, successes will follow. And those successes will give us inner satiety and equanimity. Thus right conduct, positive habits and behavior learned over a period of time would keep us away from many a blushes in life.

May our Creator help us wisdom for keeping us away from blemishes which tarnish our character and robs our inner peace,

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4 thoughts on “INNER PEACE”

  1. My dear Harbans Sir,

    I have gone through your invaluable article on the most prescious & sought after wealth in this world today: “The Inner Peace”. Your statement that everyone born on this earth comes across,at one time or the other, different situations and conditions which disturb ones mental peace. In such situations, we become disturbed, inner and outside our existence & become disoriented losing our focus on vital functions in life. In such a mental incoherence, we can hardly transact anything under the sun.this is such a true analysis of the situation prented by your kind self.Also you have proposed solution to get over & above such condition by taking refuge under the umbrella of the powerful Almighty! Thus Inner peace can be ensured through meditation/sincere prayers to the Omnipotent and Omniscient One. Thus meditation may surely eliminate our inner conflicts & bestow us with Inner peace !Thank you so very much for showing us the Light of Enlightenment ,Harbans Sir💕

    1. My profuse thanks for your motivational comments wrt my write up on inner peace.

      Certainly Inner Peace is an acquired trait and could save us from a downs in our life. Bereft of inner peace, we are stuck up in the whirlwinds of our own creations thus becoming victim of situations and conditions.

      Thanks again Chauhan sir for your invaluable comments.

      With regards

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