Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

One simple act which gives me eternal joy in my life is providing needful succor to the accident victim. At times, we come across people who meet with an accident. Providing needful assistance gives me brings huge feeling of joy and satiety to me.

In my life, though I have met people in dire strait due to road accidents, fall from two wheelers or any other sudden incident. I relate an accident of a pillion rider, a lady, on a two-wheeler. Unfortunately, the driver of the two-wheeler did not observe that the lady had a sudden fall. She was profusely bleeding. As I was coming from my office, I requested the driver of our vehicle to stop, took another vehicle and took the lady to the hospital after informing the two-wheeler driver about the fall of his companion. As the hospital was quite near, took her to emergency ward of the hospital. Fortunately, she was provided due Medicare. The attending doctor too appreciated the act. He informed me that the life of the lady in question was save due to timely help. By this time, the two-wheeler driver too had reached. He profusely thanked me for providing succor when it is hugely required. He asked me for my contact number which I humbly refused. After I was sure that everything was fine, I left the hospital for my home with a smile on my lips and a immense sense of satisfaction, giving me eternal joy.

This is one of the cases, with the grace of God, I’ve provided needful assistance on other occasions too. One thing which is common in all these cases. Each of these provide me ETERNAL JOY and SATIETY.

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

How do you know when it is time to unplug? What do you do I make it happen?

In essence, our endurance level is in concert with the control of our mind coupled with the state of our health. There are people who get tired soon, may be due to preoccupation with some other commitment find themselves fatigued sooner than the ones who have the trait of focused mentality on the topic at hand. Their mind does not waver from one thought percept to other. A focused mindset works wonders. He/she takes his work as a plaything, joyride. because he/she uses his/her knowledge and wisdom gleaned from aplenty experiences over a period of time. For such a person unplugging before accomplishing the job is rather tiring exercise.

It has been experienced that a person who works with full concentration using his/her mind on the work at hand after clarity of nuts and bolts with proper preplanning rather than haphazardly plunging on the job at hand, results in stressing soon with disappointing result ultimately. Then he/she who follows the wisdom as enunciated in Bhagwat Gita that those who focus more on the job at hand rather than ‘result’ will ultimately get negative outcome.

I, therefore, am of the opinion, if we focus on the mission accomplishment, then we need not ‘unplug’ since when a job is done to our satisfaction, it has paybacks in the form of more experience along with returns or awards which will follow which unplugging will not!


The saying, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ is considered as one of the best traits of a friend. then the precept; ‘Friends are aplenty’ when your purse is full’ then you have ‘Fairweather friend’ . Also, ‘Friend who could be trusted’ in weal and woe. There are several examples of a friendship gone sore when selfish motives which come to the fore and causes hurdles in your way since a friend knows all your secrets. He could prove to be your bitter foe; coming in the way at opportune moments.

In essence, I opine, good friend is the one who knows you thoroughly and points out my drawbacks that is; offers healthy criticism when needed so that I can improve and refine. It may be with regard to my unethical behavior, unhealthy habit(s), negative thought percept(s) or helps me in how best to control my mind when it goes berserk when need is to be its master and not be a slave to it. It is a truth that we either are influenced positively by our parents or our teacher(s)/Gurus or our friend. And that too a friend who does not gloss over my flaws but pointedly has the knack of saying; ‘spade a spade’.

For this to be smooth sailing in friendship, I too have to act ‘quid pro quo’ so that this type of friendship is not single-track journey but a journey, fundamentally and profoundly’ based on ‘give and take’ and not on take and receive nothing at all since one way friendship leads to oblivion, a journey bereft of a goal. If a friend with such traits comes in our life, he is a most precious gift from our CREATOR.

The aforesaid traits in a friend I cherish for me.

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

Who would you like to talk soon?

In essence, when we are surrounded with difficulties, seemingly, caused due to adverse circumstances then question pops up, with whom I should speak, who could deliver me from the situation I am in. Talk with friends or our own family members could be one option. But this also may prove an exercise in futility since there are events, happenings or description of ‘problems’ which I would not like to share with other lest the person(s) concerned may publicize those secrets to others; it amounts to ‘washing my dirty linin in public’.

In such a scenario, only credible option is to our own CREATOR; the OMNIPOTENT and OMNISCIENT ONE (All knowing Supreme Being). Talking with Him wouldn’t be a pep talk but pull me out of quagmire I am in. Sure enough, talking with Him will result in infuse more confidence in Him since He will tell me the right path through various cues, when followed to the book will alleviate my problems resulting in enhancement of self-confidence along with my connectivity with Him pave the way for His futuristic interventions from our Creator; whenever I would be in dilemma of any kind; self-created or creator due to situations and conditions. This will also be in line with the dictum: When nothing works fine, His soothing voice works wonders’

Daily writing prompt
Who would you like to talk to soon?