Who would you like to talk soon?

In essence, when we are surrounded with difficulties, seemingly, caused due to adverse circumstances then question pops up, with whom I should speak, who could deliver me from the situation I am in. Talk with friends or our own family members could be one option. But this also may prove an exercise in futility since there are events, happenings or description of ‘problems’ which I would not like to share with other lest the person(s) concerned may publicize those secrets to others; it amounts to ‘washing my dirty linin in public’.

In such a scenario, only credible option is to our own CREATOR; the OMNIPOTENT and OMNISCIENT ONE (All knowing Supreme Being). Talking with Him wouldn’t be a pep talk but pull me out of quagmire I am in. Sure enough, talking with Him will result in infuse more confidence in Him since He will tell me the right path through various cues, when followed to the book will alleviate my problems resulting in enhancement of self-confidence along with my connectivity with Him pave the way for His futuristic interventions from our Creator; whenever I would be in dilemma of any kind; self-created or creator due to situations and conditions. This will also be in line with the dictum: When nothing works fine, His soothing voice works wonders’

Daily writing prompt
Who would you like to talk to soon?